Welcome to Little-Mix.org, a fansite dedicated to singers-songwriters: Jade, Leigh-Anne and Perrie – Little Mix. Here you will find all the latest news, images, videos and much more on girls every day! So stay tuned and visit every day to get the most up to date news. Make sure to check out our gallery with thousands of images including performances, appearances and more! Enjoy!

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The mind of a Little Mix member is a fascinating yet mysterious place, just what does go on underneath all that hair?

Obviously the only way to find out how anyone really thinks is to put them through The Stupid Interview, so we jumped at the chance of giving it a whirl on the lovelier than lovely Leigh-Anne Pinnock.

Right Leigh-Anne, give us your best cutting insult.

My best cutting insult? OK… I’m gonna have to say… Oh I’m being put on the spot, I’ve got so many! Actually, do you know what I call people a lot, and it’s not that bad, but I call people losers.

Well if you’re a loser you’re a loser. It’s to the point.


If you could eat another celeb who would it be?

Hahahahaha! I’m gonna say… Justin Bieber.

What rumour would you most like to spread about yourself?

That Leigh-Anne can read peoples’ minds and hypnotise them into falling them in love with her.

Have you ever been caught in an intimate act?

No I haven’t actually. I’m sorry to be boring but I haven’t.

It’s not boring, it’s discrete.
Would you rather lick a tramp’s nostril or armpit?

Really? Well is he going to have BO?

He probably doesn’t have access to much deodorant.

Hmmm. Does he have a snotty nose?


Agh… right, I’m gonna go for the nostril. What would you go for?

Maybe the nostril too, it’s probably quicker access.


You see an old lady cross the road into the path of a big lorry, at the same time you spot a baby about to pick up a massive sharp knife, who do you save?

Oh my gosh, that is a really, really weird question. I don’t know what I’d answer. (Genuinely ponders for a long time.) I’m gonna go for the baby, just ‘cause I really love children. But, oh I feel bad now.

What are your thoughts on Marmite?

You either love it or you hate it and I hate it. I have tried it and it’s rank!

Who would be better in bed, Rihanna or Nicki Minaj?

Well Nicki has got an arse on her but… Oh, I dunno, I think they’re both hot. I’m gonna say Rihanna, ‘cause I love Rihanna.

Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if Harry Styles came on to your sister?

Erm, my sister is with a long term partner and has a child, so it’s not really gonna happen.

Would you tell him to ‘Back off Styles’?

Haha yeah, back off Styles!

Amazing, we feel like we know Leigh-Anne better than she knows herself.

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Little Mix ‘Wings’

After winning X Factor, releasing an awful cover of ‘Cannonball’ and then doing not very much, Little Mix showed up with this massive, driving, sing-a-long tune that’s a bit Disney, a bit Christina Aguilera ‘Candyman’ and A LOT good; which is not that surprising as it was supposedly written by approximately 108 different people. ‘Wings’ is a gold-plated, handclapping, ‘hey, hey, hey’ hollering, harmony-fest that despite its slightly tired self-empowerment theme ticks all the boxes you need and at least 15 you don’t. Boy’d.

Click to vote for Litte Mix.

Rihanna, Cheryl, Katy Perry, Little Mix AND Rizzle Kicks: Is this the most A-list reality show of all time?
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Rihanna’s new fashion programme has a line-up so famous it’ll make Celebrity Big Brother execs weep.

Now this is what having A List friends is all about. If you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world and decide to executive produce a fashion programme about wannabe British designers then you’d no doubt start pulling in a few favours with some famous mates. Which is exactly what Rihanna’s done with her new Sky Living HD show, Styled To Rock.

Not only does she have Nicola Roberts, designer Henry Holland and stylist Lysa Cooper helping her out as judges and mentors, but each episode will star a different celebrity.

And the list is pretty damn impressive. Taking centre stage in their respective episodes will be: Cheryl Cole, Katy Perry, The Scissor Sisters, Pixie Lott, Rizzle Kicks, Tinchy Stryder, Little Mix, Little Boots and of course Rihanna herself.

And if that’s not eyebrow-raising enough, Calvin Harris has created and produced the music for the show while celebrity hairdresser Nicky Clarke and his minions will be creating the overall looks for the designer to showcase their outfits each week.

We’re guessing the Celebrity Big Brother producers will be wiping their sweaty top lips right about now.

The guest celeb’s job will be to challenge the 12 contestants to design a bespoke and innovative stage outfit for them to wear at a variety of important occasions, including live performances, shoots and red-carpet events. The terrified designers will have the help and support of Nicola, Henry and Lysa, which will either reassure them or scare them into slavering speechlessness. We’re hoping for the latter.

The finale will see the winner designing an outfit for Rihanna to wear at her biggest live London gig.

The series lasts for 10 weeks and will be on Sky Living HD from 14 August. Have a look at the trailer below. We’ll DEFINITELY be watching. Will you?

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To celebrate the release of the Little Mix book ‘Ready To Fly’ we’re attempting the Guinness World Record for the biggest EVER signing on Thursday 30th August at Bluewater Shopping Centre!! All you will need to do is head down to the venue and purchase your copy of the book in store at WH Smith to be part of this massive event.

Pre-order your copy of the book ‘Ready to Fly’ here

Can I have merchandise signed?

Unfortunately due to time limitations and regulations of the record, only copies of ‘Little Mix: Ready to Fly’ purchased on the day can be signed. Copies must be purchased from WHSmith staff at the book selling point at the entrance to Lower Plaza, off Lower Thames Walk

Can I bring my friends?

Yes, however all those wishing to take part in the event MUST purchase a book and have a branded WHSmith wristband. Friends and parents can watch the attempt taking place.

Do I have to buy a book?

Yes. In order to participate in the event you must purchase a copy of ‘Little Mix: Ready to Fly’. Copies must be purchased from WHSmith staff at the book selling point at the entrance to Lower Plaza, off Lower Thames Walk

What time can we start queuing?

7am. Please note the mall will be open with access to toilets. Other retailers will not be open until 9am so if you need refreshments, please bring these with you

Can I reserve a place in the queue?

When you purchase your book, you will be allocated a time slot to queue for the signing. This process is in place to minimise queuing time. Time slots will be shown on your wristband. Staff will be available on the day to answer any questions

Can I have my picture taken with the band?

Due to time restrictions unfortunately there will be no opportunity for posed photos with Little Mix. You are free to take pictures whilst queuing and as Little Mix are signing your book

How will we know if the record has been broken?

There will be a presentation to Little Mix by Guinness World Records once the record has been broken. Little Mix will make an announcement via their website the following day on Friday 31st August and via twitter (@LittleMixOfficial)

Where will the signing take place?

The World Record Attempt for the largest book signing will take place from 11am on Thursday 30th August from The Lower Plaza, located off Lower Thames Walk, Bluewater

Where can I buy my book?

Books can be purchased and wristbands collected from 7am from WHSmith staff at the entrance to the Lower Plaza. Only copies of the book purchased at this location on Thursday 30th August will count towards the record

How do we get to the centre?

Please see Bluewater website for more details on getting to the centre: http://www.bluewater.co.uk/content/htgh

What if I lose my wristband?

To qualify as a participant in the record attempt you must purchase your copy of ‘Little Mix: Ready To Fly’ and collect a WHSmith branded wristband on the day of the attempt. To ensure that you do not lose your wristband we strongly advise that you put your wristband on immediately on receipt. Staff are on hand to assist if required. We cannot replace any lost wristbands.

What if I lose my book?

To qualify as a participant in the record attempt you must purchase your copy of ‘Little Mix: Ready To Fly’ and collect a WHSmith branded wristband on the day of the attempt. Unfortunately lost books cannot be replaced

What if I miss my time slot?

Not to worry. It should be possible to join the next time slot. Please ask a member of staff at the event to assist you

I am under 14. Can I still attend?

Yes. Anyone under the age of 14 years must be accompanied by an adult. Any accompanying adults will not need a wristband. Due to time and space limitations only one child can only be accompanied by one parent

What time does the event finish?

Due to the nature of the event, the end time will be determined by the promoters on the day

How many books can I have signed?

A maximum of one book and one wristband per person. Please note, only one book per person will count towards the record

What if I cannot get to the event at 7am?

The wristbands will be given away on a first come, first served basis. However, we strongly advise you not to arrive before 7am

If I cannot make the event on the day, can I have a book reserved and signed?

Unfortunately due to the unique element of this event we cannot reserve or have copies signed for those unable to attend on the day

How long will the sale of books and wristbands last?

Wristband allocation and book sales will start at 7am and continue until all wristbands have been given away. WHSmith staff will be able to answer any questions until the event has finished

If you have further questions that are not answered in this FAQ please contact WH Smith Customer Services by e-mailing customer.relations@whsmith.co.uk



